..."We wanted to import large volumes of the best California wines for our retail chain in China, and thought we would have to deal with many companies to fulfill our need. From finding the right grapes at the right price, to wine-making, bottling, label design and shipment, H&H did it all. The folks at H&H are amazing".
Case Study: Spirit Valley Wine
pirit Valley 酒業公司是H&H酒業公司的許多成功案例之一。除了為中國的1200家零售連鎖企業向加州專業小型的酒莊及加州大品牌酒莊購買大量瓶裝的葡萄酒,MJC總裁也想創建5個自家標籤。他們高興地發現我們不僅了解其企業文化,說一口流利的普通話,並且向他們介紹幾個納帕酒廠,來自這些酒廠的酒目前銷售在他們的商店和禮品目錄,我們也為他們客製長期策略。該計劃包括開發和購買最好的加州散裝葡萄酒,為Spirit Valley調製數個專屬的葡萄酒,以及為他們設計標籤和包裝。我們當然也做了所有的裝瓶,包裝及成品運送到上海。他們原本以為需要無數個長期艱鉅的跨太平洋旅行和會議。然而H&H使得這次交易成為一個非常愉快的納帕谷和加州葡萄酒品鑑之旅。
Gordon Wu, President & CEO
Spirit Valley Wines & MJC Stores
Shanghai, China